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- String #2 is inserted at the start of a converted text or RTF file.
- <HTML>\r<HEAD>\r<TITLE>\r
- String #4 is inserted between the title and the header string in a converted text or RTF file.
- </TITLE>\r</HEAD>\r<BODY>«4»«6»\r<H1>
- String #6 is inserted after the header string and before the remaining text.
- </H1>\r«2»«8»<P>\r
- String #8 replaces a single carriage return in the input file
- <BR>\r
- String #10 replaces multiple carriage returns in the input file
- <P>\r\r
- String #12 is inserted at the end of a converted text or RTF file.
- «10»<HR>«19»«21»«17»«23»</BODY>\r</HTML>
- String #14 is inserted at the start of a generated index file.
- <HTML>\r<HEAD>\r<TITLE>\r
- String #16 is inserted between the title and the header string in a generated index file
- </TITLE>\r</HEAD>\r<BODY>«4»\r<H1>
- String #18 is inserted after the heaader string and before the remaining text in a generated index file.
- </H1>\r
- String #20 is inserted before the URL of a converted document
- «12»<A HREF="
- String #22 is inserted between the URL and the link text for a converted document.
- ">
- String #24 is inserted after the link text for a converted document.
- </A><BR>\r
- String #20 is inserted before the URL of a submenu
- «13»<B><A HREF="
- String #28 is inserted between the URL and the link text for a submenu
- ">
- String #30 is inserted after the link text for a submenu
- </A></B><BR>\r
- String #32 is inserted at the end of a generated index file.
- «10»<HR>«19»«21»«17»«23»</BODY>\r</HTML>
- Strings #34 and #35 are used for translating RTF Bold.
- <B>
- </B>
- Strings #34 and #35 are used for translating RTF underline.
- <EM>
- </EM>
- Strings #34 and #35 are used for translating RTF Italic.
- <I>
- </I>